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FutureOn provides digital twin software for critical NZTC project

Press release header FutureOn / NZTC

FutureOn, a leader in digital twin software solution, will provide access to its revolutionary FieldTwin platform to support researchers aiming to deliver the world’s first Smart Energy Basin as part of Net Zero Technology Centre’s (NZTC) Data 4 Net Zero (D4NZ).

The company will donate licenses for its industry-leading platform so those involved in the project can start to develop and combine data science, visualisation and modelling tools to create a digital copy of the entire UK Continental Shelf energy basin. The completed model, which will become a resource for the energy sector, aims to enable enhanced decision making, increased visibility and streamlined operations as the industry progresses towards net zero targets.

FutureOn’s FieldTwin software, renowned for its robust design and visualisation capabilities, allows its users to validate concepts, de-risk technology and plan multi-user subsea activity through its digital twin technology. It could be a critical tool for developing the full-scale Smart Energy Basin.

Collaborating with partners including the National Subsea Centre (NSC) and Robert Gordon University (RGU), FutureOn will support two key work packages as part of the D4NZ project: the Future Energy Tool and the Marine Environment Industrial Planning Application.

As part of the Marine Environment Industrial Planning Application project, the use of FieldTwin will provide both a visualisation of energy transitions activities, such as offshore wind turbine placement, as well as a dynamic front-end graphical user interface for the algorithms and solutions developed by the research teams. The software will streamline the importation and visualisation of multiple data sources, enabling comprehensive impact assessments of the seabed due to multi-user activity.

Complementing NSC’s work across future climate modelling and fishing movements patterns, FieldTwin provides a visually intuitive means of evaluating the environmental impact of seabed activity and the co-location of maritime industry with future energy infrastructure. This has never been more critical as the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation report that more than half of Scottish fishing grounds could be lost by 2050 due to the development of offshore renewables[1].


FieldTwin enables rapid scenario analysis to reflect uncertainty in co-location and consent requirements and provides valuable 3D context for stakeholder engagement to mitigate these risks to both the maritime industry and project development.

To support the Future Energy Tool project, FieldTwin’s intuitive features will allow users to design and model the entire subsea infrastructure and cabling associated with offshore energy production assets, facilitating the transition to eco-friendly energy solutions.

Demonstrating seamless integration of new energy technology such as wind, wave and hydrogen power into the UK electricity grid, FieldTwin will make it easy to conceptualise the nation’s green energy supply, in combination with NSC’s expertise in design optimisation and energy grid modelling using advanced computational techniques.

Adam Duffy, VP Energy Transition at FutureOn, said:

The D4NZ project is a critical step for the energy industry as we rapidly approach milestone net zero targets. We are proud to play a part in the process of developing a holistic view of the UKCS basin which will transform the way operators and companies across the supply chain visualise subsea operations.

FieldTwin empowers integrated energy companies with the tools to make informed, agile decisions throughout a project’s lifecycle. By leveraging FieldTwin, organisations can achieve substantial savings of up to 60% during the front-end design phase while establishing a dynamic digital twin with access to a wealth of data sources throughout the asset lifecycle. This access to data will be invaluable for users across the energy supply chain as we accelerate maximised efficiency and visibility of the UK energy sector.

The D4NZ project is one of seven projects being developed through NZTC’s Net Zero Technology Transition Programme which was awarded a total of £16.5 million from the Scottish Government’s Energy Transition Fund.

About National Subsea Centre

The National Subsea Centre (NSC) is the multi-million-pound Centre of Excellence for Subsea research and technology development, delivered through partnership between Net Zero Technology Centre (NZTC) and Robert Gordon University (RGU), through the Aberdeen City Region Deal. The NSC is harnessing NZTC’s extensive industry network alongside the University’s academic expertise, research capability and facilities to establish a world-class research and development centre. 

At present, the NSC is focused on four core research programmes: Transparent Ocean, Integrated Energy. Net Zero Operations and Cyber-Physical Systems. Team memebers work collaboratively to find innovative solutions to industry challenges in an environmment where positive disruptive thinking is encouraged. All research undertaken at the NSC is driven by leaders with expertise spanning the fields of data science and AI, optimisation and machine learning, digital twins and simulations, machine vision and remote sensing, techno-economic modelling, smart materials and manufacturing, robotics, renewable energy systems and decarbonisation, marine ecosystems and sustainable environment modelling. For more information about the NSC, please visit their website.


Media contact

Olivia Bonner, Senior Communication Executive, Aspect: The Strategic Communication Experts // +44 (0)7478 623903

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